About CMS Design

Who Am I?

My name is Mike Copsey, I am the owner of CMS Design. I have been programming in Basic languages for over 25 years as a hobby. As the internet grew into the monster it is today, I saw the need for all businesses to develop a “Web presence” and participate in online marketing and awareness strategies. As time went on, I felt compelled to jump into this career and use my skills to design practical and worth-while Websites.


I returned to college and earned a degree as “Associates in Applied Science of Web Analyst / Programmer” at SWTC in Fennimore Wisconsin. This was truly a fascinating degree program where I learned about the industrial standards of Web programming from the ground up.

Special Interests

Also during this time, on the side, I learned a plethora of search engine optimization techniques that helps a Website climb the ranks of Google and other search providers.

A Personal Note

I am an open minded thinker. I have always thought “outside of the box” or just threw the box away entirely! Problems are solutions waiting to be discovered and solutions are merely the product of problems rearranged. My way of thinking leads to a “Sky is the limit” philosophy along with my education (knowing 12 programming languages, writing, business, and accounting skills) I can perform any task at hand.